
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Anthem And Fahrenheit 451

Activity 1 One charge of imaginative literature is to bind us insight into the world around us, fellow forgiving beings, and ourselves. The novels Anthem and Fahrenheit 451 both hold examples of a world in which people atomic number 18 striped of their single(a)ity. In iodin sense these novels ignore be seen as a utopia deceased bad. For thought being striped of your individuality is now looked upon as a negative it was meant so that there would be more than unity among the people.

        In the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, the bon ton depicted is a collective association. In this type of cab atomic number 18t a person is subjugated to their group whether it be to a race, class or state. In this fiat the individual is experience by the group and has no right to a buck private existence, which means no right to lead his dribble in life, track his own happiness or use his own property.

tribe were non given names but yet they were labeled. The master(prenominal) character who is labeled comparability 7-2521 is far more empower then his peers. Those who control the society (the world council) see this as a threat and give him the chore of street sweeper. In the novel one follows Equality 7-2521s struggle to frame an individual. His happiness is not satisfied when he must donation it universally with all men. Not every small-arm can be as happy as the next, so for that it is incorrect to lessen the happiness of one who is successful so to harmonise the spirit of his peer. But this did not hold true in the world of equality 7-2521 for an individual exists only as straggle of a group, and their worth is measured by their service to the group. That explains the heart and soul behind the reason why people be not to be looked upon in the first person but preferably must hold title We instead of I. When Equality 7-2521 was a child, he was taught to recite a pledge which states we are nothing, mankind is all, by the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. We exist finished by, and for our brothers who are the state. Amen. If one is made to believe this as a child, there will be no pack to interrogative sentence it when they are grown, for they will see no other direction.

        In the novel Fahrenheit 451 we see a lonely man named Guy Montag who is searching for answer which are deeper then those which are given to him. He believes that he will find those answers in books. Montag is a fireman, but not the type of fireman as we have today but instead one whose job is to burn books as a means of censoring the society and an attempt to keep people ignorant. People in the society dont mind for they are more interested in things such as television. There is no longer a need to learn more for everything is controlled by technology. Those in the society have become blind to the gradual change and have only if accepted their ignorance.

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        These novels present insight into the world around us and into ourselves. The novel Anthem shows that individuals happiness is self ?contained and is due to ones own self-fulfillment. People should be entitled to the right of being an individual and to holding their own individuation. To strip someone of his or her identity is immortal. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 the world has allowed technology to take over their everyday lives and have become too lazy to mend for themselves. This statement holds true for today, for with the invention of machinery, there is no longer a need for manpower. People will no longer do simple tasks like sharpening a pencil. They would more than rather get mechanical pencils or sharpen their pencils in an electric sharpener. The value of a book has also reduced due to television and movies. Some people schedule their years around their favorite TV shows. Some hold the mentality that there is no purpose in reading a book when u can simply go egress and rent the movie or get the cliff noted. These to me are all examples of technology gone badly. Though the purpose of technology is to make life for man easier, somethings have gone way too far.

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